Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ugly, stringy Stuff growing in the Pond NOW?

Ugly, stringy Stuff growing in the Pond NOW?

That "stuff" is called by many names:
String Algae
Hair Algae
Blanket Weed...etc...

This time of year (winter) it can grow at amazing speed!

The cause is a low concentration of beneficial bacteria due to the low water temperatures and simultaneous over-abundance of nutrients (sludge in the bottom of the pond, decaying leaves and other organic matter).

This algae growth can take vital oxygen away from the fish, especially if the pond gets covered by ice and snow.

There are rememdies available that work even in colder temperatures:

"Aqua One" beneficial bacteria is not temperature sensitive and will help get rid of excess nutrients in the water

"PondMarket Restor" will clean off the stuff coating the rocks in the pond

"Pond Balance" will disolve the long strings growing so profusely!

All of these helpful products can be found here: Pond Water Treatments

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Beneficial Bacteria in Winter

Beneficial Bacteria in Winter

Many ponds in colder climates are dormant now with pumps and filters disconnected. Several subscribers have send emails asking what they could do about the pond becoming somewhat stagnant. One of the alternatives is to use a good cold weather beneficial bacteria product to help keep the pond working until warmer weather lets us put some movement back into our garden pond.

We have a couple of products that are favorites to use for this purpose:

1. Microbe-Lift Autumn/Winter prep for a bacteria specially formulated to work in colder water temperatures and

2. Aqua One is a good, all-around beneficial bacteria product that works in almost any temperature.

Like so many of us, we envy our subscribers in the southern 1/3 of the US right now because we cannot enjoy our ponds as much right now as you folks in the south can...but we can do our utmost to keep the pond healthy so it comes back to life in record time and as healthy as possible.

Anytime a pond starts to smell even just a little bit it is a sign that things are not well. This circumstance should be avoided at all cost and remedied at once if it occurs. Water Treatments

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Is your Pond ready for Winter?

Is your Pond ready for Winter?

Cold weather is upon many of us! Brrrrr! If your pond is not ready for winter, now is the time! Our e-book "Winterizing the Garden Pond" gives many helpful hints and tips. We give it away at http://www.pondmarket.com Just use any of the e-book links.

In addition to the many tips in the e-book we use MicrobeLift Fall/Winter Prep to help rid the pond of decomposing organic stuff and to help increase oxygen levels. It helps the fish in our ponds survive. It can be found in the "Seasonal Items" department in our online store.

We also leave pumps running in ponds that are home to Koi to insure adequate oxygen levels. Large Koi in particular need a lot of oxygen and are very sensitive to sudden temperature changes. Leaving the pump running assures that the water is circulated properly. We do, however, move it up from the bottom of the pond.