In this issue:
Get rid of Frogs?
Specials for Nasty Pond Water
While they last: Fountain Pump Kits on Sale!
Fun (Pond) Fact
Tired of measuring stinky, sticky
Beneficial Bacteria to pour into the Pond?
Try our "Fizzy Kicks"!
Dry, easy to use blocks to just drop into the Pond!
The stuff is great, it is flying off our shelves!
Get rid of Frogs?
This time of year we have lots and lots of inquiries about methods
to get rid of frogs....the noise they make at night can be a bit
BUT...Frogs are incredibly beneficial: They consume an inordinate
amount of insects!
Frogs and Toads are suffering from massive shrinking of their habitats
and if you are lucky enough to be able to provide some then THIS IS
Remember: Out of 10,000 frog or toad eggs, only one makes it to
adulthood (on average) to the point of reproducing.
It is preferable to leave the frogs alone, but there are some things
that can be done to reduce their numbers:
1) Get rid of food sources. Frog eat insects and insects are
attracted by light. Turn of all outdoor lights and use dark curtains
in front of windows that let light shine outside.
2) get a cat
3) remove all possible hiding places close to the ground (wood piles,
low growing plants, empty flower pots, etc.
Specials for Nasty Pond Water
Warm summer temperatures can turn your pond colors you do not want to
see! We would like to see our fish, not water that matches the color
of our lawn!
The PondMarket has put Vorton UVs (Ultra Violet Clarifiers) on sale
to help with that!
Want Clear Water? Install a Vorton
(make sure to size it correctly) and see your fish at all times
On Sale Right Now for a limited time!
Fountain Kits by Laguna Blow-Out
Fountain Pumps in clog-resistant housings...3 year Warranty on motor,
two or three different Fountain Heads included...very energy efficient
magnetic drive....WHILE THEY LAST
Click Here: Fountain Kits
Remember the BLOG!
Missed the last newsletter? It is always posted in the Blog once the new
newsletter goes out, so you can always catch up here!
Fun (Pond) Fact
In keeping with the Frog Theme: Breeding seasons for most native frogs
runs from about March through May, some breed in June.
Since it is already June, the noise should start to diminish soon!
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