Friday, February 08, 2008

Snow can kill your Pond Fish! Rescue them!

Fish Ponds need oxygen to provide a life sustaining environment. All sorts of living things in the Pond use oxygen: The Pond Fish need to breathe and beneficial bacteria need oxygen to digest fish waste and decaying organic matter. Oxygenating plants that normally provide some oxygen, will TAKE oxygen out of the water if suddenly deprived of light needed for photo synthesis. Lack of oxygen is the # 1 Pond Fish Killer in Winter!

What can you do?

Answer: Install an air pump to increase oxygen and sweep at least some areas of the pond free of snow so light can enter (never step on the frozen pond - the ice may not support you!)

Tip: Mark the snow covered Pond with a caution sign or flag to distinguish it from the surrounding landscape to prevent accidents!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. Lack of oxygen does kill fish and people need make sure they leave an opening in the ice in winter to help remove the toxic gas from decaying plant matter as well. A good de-icer will work good or simply an air pump too.

Great advice there about marking where your pump is, so true you wouldn't want someone falling in, it would be pretty cold :)

Great blog!


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy

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